
SBFAQ Part 7: References

Marc Green

Abarbanel, R. (1993) Problem solving with and without visualization. (Ed. G. Nielsen and D. Bergeron) Proceedings of Visualization '93, 343-344. IEEE Computer Society Press: Washington.

Berlin B., Kay, P. (1969) Basic Color Terms: Their Universality and Evolution. Berkeley: University Press.

Bernecker, C., Sanders, P. and Mitrick, R. (1994) Reflected luminance patterns in visual display units. Proceedings of the 1994 Conference of the Illuminating Engineering Society, 481-499.

Bertin, J. (1983) The Semiology of Graphics. Univ. Wisconsin Press: Madison, Wisc.

Brettel H., Vienot F., Mollon J.D. (1997) Computerized simulation of color appearance for dichromats. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 14, 2647-2655.

Chapanis, A. (1954) American Scientist.

Corwin, T. and Green, M. (1978) The Broca-Sulzer effect in a Ganzfeld. Vision Research,18, 1675-1678.

Derefeldt, U., Marmolin, H. (1981) Search time: Color coding and color code size. First Annual Conference on Human Decision Making and Manual Control.

Cleveland, W. (1984) The elements of graphing data. Wadsworth: Monterey, Ca.

Gale, G. (1979) Theory of Science. McGraw-Hill, Toronto.

Green, M. (1991) Visual search, visual streams and visual architectures. Perception and Psychophysics, 50, 388-403

Green, M. (1992) Visual Search: detection, identification and localization. Perception, 21, 765-777.

Green, M. (1992a) The perceptual basis of temporal aliasing and anti-Aliasing. In Human Vision, Visual Processing and Digital Display III, 84-93.

Halsey, R. and Chapanis, A. (1951) On the number of absolutely identifiable spectral hues. Journal of the Optical Society of America, 41, 1057-1058.

Kaiser, P. and Boynton, R. (1996) Color Vision. Washington: Optical Society of America.

Kay, P. and McDaniel, C. (1978)The linguistic significance of the meanings of basic color terms. Language, 54, 610-646.

Legge, G., Parish, D., Leubker, A. and Wurm, L. (1990) Psychophysics of Reading. XI. Comparing color contrast and luminance contrast. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 7, 2002-2010.

Legge, G., Rubin, G., and Schleske, M. (1986) Contrast-polarity effects in low vision reading. In Low Vision (G. Woo, ed.). Springer Verlag.

Sanders, P. and Bernecker, C. (1990) Uniform veiling luminance and display polarity affect VDU user performance. Journal of the illuminating engineering Society, 19, 113-123.

Bernecker, C., Sanders, P. and Mitrick, R. (1994) Proceedings of the 1994 Conference of the Illuminating Engineering Society, 481-499.

Smallman, H. and Boynton, R. (1990) Segregation of basic colors in an information display. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 10, 1985-1994.

Wang, Q., Cavanagh, P., and Green, M. (1994) Familiarity and pop-out in visual search. Perception & Psychophysics. 56, 495-500.

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Wright W. D. (1947) Researches on Normal and Defective Color Vision. St. Louis: Mosby

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  • Part 1: Basic Terms and Definitions
  • Part 2: Color Discrimination
  • Part 3: Color Appearance
  • Part 4: Color Blindness
  • Part 5: Using Color Effectively
  • Part 6: Color for Text, Sign and Graph Legibility
  • References